Machon Maggid Harakiah

Machon Maggid Harakiah
Founded in 2019 by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, Machon Maggid Harakiah is dedicated to educating, elevating and inspiring the Jewish people with the eternal message of the Torah and the timeless teaching of the great Torah luminaries throughout Jewish history.
Through lectures, shiurim, video presentations, seforim, books and publications Rabbi Glatstein touches the lives of thousands of Jews across the glovbe, deepening their connection to their Jewish heritage and history. Utilizing numerous modalities including and not limited to, OU Torah, Shas Illuminated, Podcasts on multiple platforms, YouTube, Kol B'rama Radio and others - Rabbi Glatsteins shiurim have become a major staple of Torah learning for the Jewish people in our generation.
Rabbi Glatstein's personal touch is that his content is received favorably by Jews of all levels of Torah knowledge and affiliation, from seasoned scholars and teachers looking for a ready made class to deliver to their congregation or classroom, to the beginner searching for a meaningful and inspiring teaching. Rabbi Glatstein's shiurim have become a go to address for all those seeking to expand their horizons in Torah.
Rabbi Glatstein's seforim and books have become classics in the literature of our Jewish nation. Further education projects and The Jewish Heritage trips that Rabbi Glatstein leads bringing to life the Torah personalities and history of our people by visiting the communities where Jewish life flourished and the Kevorim of the great Torah leaders of our rich and storied history.
Machon Maggid Harakiah hosts a staff of dedicated volunteers who assist in technical operations, digital and video uploading, an editorial staff, video production, and research team.
Join the Torah revolution by participating in a live shiur, in person, through zoom, or watch, listen or download anyone of the thousands of classes are available at the official site and see how Machon Maggid Harakiah is building the future of the Jewish people.
Support our efforts and secure your share in our eternal Torah and destiny.