The sefer on the Ben L'ashri from the Tzadik of Raanana is being completed for publication.
It will be entitled
ברכות הצדיק
ליקוטי בן לאשרי
An added incentive is the holy author, the Tzadik of Raanana offered that he will pray for anyone who says over his divrei torah to help them in this world and the next.
You can now participate in the special opportunity to help the sefer come to light.

בשורה טובה לעולם התורה
There is a historic opportunity to participate in bringing the Rav's seforim to a wider audience.
Artscroll has already translated the Mystery and the Majesty into Spanish and French. Now they will start with the Haggadah Shel Pesach.
Please contact us to partner in this historic opportunity
WhatsApp Groups
Source Sheets - Mareh Mekomos (Hebrew)
Likutei Ben LeAshri - Tzadik Raanana (Hebrew)
Peninei Maggid Harakiah (Hebrew)
Elevate Your Shabbos Table (English)

Source Sheets
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Sources Organized by Topic, Maamar Hazal
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Weekly Parasha Insights (Hebrew)
Based on the Tzadik of Raanana's Sefer: Ben LeAshri Beracha Meshuleshet
Rabbi Yitzchak Huberman HaKohen
רב יצחק הכהן הוברמן (י"ג בטבת תשל"ז) - התפרסם בשם הצדיק מרעננה
Tzadik of Raanana הצדיק מרעננה


Torah Illuminated Series
A Most Engaging Torah Program Today by Machon Maggid Harakiah
Join the WhatsApp Group - Torah Illuminated Series
The shiurim are now being featured on Torazoom which focuses on the Jewish communities of Mexico, Panama, Argentina and other Spanish speaking Communities.

All Parsha - An OU Project

Shas Illuminated
Artscroll Interview on:
The Mystery and The Majesty
Elul - Yamim Noraim - Succos
Days of Awe and Joy - the grandeur and nobility
Inside Artscroll Episode 6